Log-On APL2

Powerful Interactive Problem Solver


Log-On APL2 is a powerful interactive environment and programming language for describing and solving problem sets in areas ranging from visualization and engineering, to statistics and commercial data processing


Log-On APL2

Powerful Interative Problem Solver

Log-On APL2 is a powerful interactive environment and programming language for describing and solving problem sets in areas ranging from visualization and engineering, to statistics and commercial data processing


Critical Fix Advisory - Wave for IBM Z


Solve Complex Problems without Detailed Programming

APL2® is a powerful language and environment for describing problems and investigating their solutions.

APL2 is peerless for computations involving large, complex multidimensional data arrays. With just a few symbols, the user can define a problem that might otherwise require many lines or pages of conventional programming code. The concise APL2 notation lends itself well to interactive, iterative evolution and investigation of difficult problems. Once defined, a desktop user of APL2 can port an application to Linux or the Mainframe for repeated execution.

APL2 is well suited to problem-solving needs in the areas of finance and insurance, artificial intelligence, robotics, engineering, neural networks and others.

Compatible with IBM APL2

Concise language for representing complex problems

Powerful environment for interactively generating and evolving answers to these problems

Well-suited to the analysis of large and complex multidimensional arrays

Runtime environments that efficiently deliver answers to problems involving very large datasets


APL2 for High Performance Problem Solving

APL2 lets you focus on defining complex problems without having to worry about the programming details of computing their solutions. APL2’s interactive sessions log your activities and allow you to reuse and modify any step in the evolution of your investigation. The APL2 language includes a variety of mathematical and logical sorting and searching routines. APL2 provides both calculator style and traditional programming environments. The Microsoft Windows environment provides full-function context editing and debugging .

APL2 excels at array processing and provides powerful data analysis capabilities that allow you to work simultaneously with large collections of data. Dozens of dimensions and multiple data types let you view your data in new and insightful ways. Calculations seamlessly scale from a few to millions of pieces of information. You can easily identify, fix, or work around data errors in minutes. User-defined functions and operations are easily added.

You can access data using a variety of interfaces to files, databases and other programs. APL2 file processors provide several options for viewing operating system files: record-oriented, byte stream or formatted for APL2 objects in binary form. You can access IBM Db2®, and on workstations you can access any ODBC database or tool. You can interface directly to Windows system tools and share data through COM or DDE protocols. You can call programs written in C, Rexx, and other languages as if they were subroutines of APL2.

You can build graphical display solutions using APL2’s platform-independent graphical tools. You can also use platform-specific tools such as GDDM, X-Windows or Windows GUI facilities. Browser-based solutions are enabled through APL2’s built in TCP/IP support and sample web server. APL2 applications are easily moved from one platform to another and can be distributed across multiple systems.

Benefits and Savings
  • APL2 is concise
  • Lets you focus on the problem – not the details of solving it 
  • Huge amounts of data can be interactively analyzed and visualized
Features and Capabilities
  • Interactive Problem Solving
  • Powerful Data Analysis
  • A Variety of Data Access Options
  • A Rich Set of Graphical Display Options
  • Full Portability Across All Supported Platforms

APL2 is a trademark of IBM Corporation used under license.

North America

15 Constitution Dr, Suite 100 Bedford, NH 03110


Mo-Fr: 8:30am - 5pm (ET)

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(603) 458-5300


Hahilazon 3
Ramat Gan 5252267


Su-Th: 8:30am - 5pm (GMT+3)

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North America

15 Constitution Dr, Suite 100 Bedford, NH 03110


Mo-Fr: 8:30am - 5pm (ET)

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(603) 458-5508 


Hahilazon 3
Ramat Gan 5252267


Su-Th: 8:30am - 5pm (GMT+3)

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