TVL for z/OS’ Information Management

TVL for z/OS’ Information Management

Log-On Software (Log-On) an IBM® Business Partner and developer of world-class software solutions for IBM Z®, today announced TVL Information Management for z/OS, TVL Event Pump, and TVL NV Distribution Manager. Log-On TVL Information Management for z/OS – forward...
Log-On Software Announces Log-On APL2

Log-On Software Announces Log-On APL2

Log-On Software (Log-On) an IBM® Business Partner and developer of world-class software solutions for IBM Z®, today announced Log-On APL2®, with general availability planned for April 7, 2021. “We are excited to offer Log-On APL2 to our customers. We look forward to...
IBM Wave for z/VMâ„¢ Users – Path to Continued Support

Log-On Software Announces Wave for IBM Z

Log-On Software (Log-On) IBM Partner and developer of world-class software solutions for IBM Z® Systems, today announced Log-On Wave for IBM Z with general availability planned for January 2, 2021. “We are pleased to continue the evolution of IBM Wave for z/VM®. We...